Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Affection for an Unmarried Lady

I received 'An Affection for an Unmarried Lady' by Fanny Delarose in a Goodreads giveaway.  From the moment I started reading it I was hooked.  I just couldn't put it down.  In fact, I was in the process of reading another book when I received this book.

The story is set in late-Georgian England, and tells about Lady Ann Astweir and her Season in London society.  The story also has two underlying stories, one about Lady Ann's sister Lady Rosalyn and one about Lady Evelyn Duchambord.  You will read about the lives of these three Lady's and one season in London.  You will find out about their love's and the trials they go through to get the one they love.  It felt as I was right there in the story, watching what was going on.

This book was well written and I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes reading Historical romance. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been a hectic 13 days for me.  We made it to Texas with no problems.  We had nice weather for the drive and the animals didn't get lost or run away.

Ever since we got here I have been unpacking.  The place we are now is a lot smaller than the one in SC.  I don't have enough room to put every out, so I'm doing the best I can with the space I have.  I still have not been able to put all my books out yet.  I need to buy some book cases still.

Aubrey, my grandson, has called twice so far.  The first time was on the drive down here, he wanted me to come over, and the second time he asked if I was still in Texas.  I am going to miss seeing him all the time.  He's my first grandchild and very special to me.  He even helped load the U-Haul.  He is growing up so fast.

Shanen and I both cried when we said goodbye.  I know she is going to be okay, though.  She is a strong woman and she has lots of support from her boyfriends family.  I'm still gonna miss her but we talk everyday on the phone and I will be getting Skype soon so we can talk that way also.

Russell, son #2, was such a big help when we got to Texas.  He helped unload our stuff and we got unloaded in only 2 days.  I don't know what we would have done is he wasn't here.  He stayed for a week and then he had to go back to work.  I probably won't see him for another 2 months.

Frank was gone the whole first week we were here.  He was home for the weekend so that was nice.  His work keeps him out overnight at times but I'm getting along okay with him gone.

Well, it's time to get back to unpacking.  Have a good day all.