Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grandson sleepover

     I had my grandson, Aubrey, spend the night last night.  It was fun but I can't do it too often.  He is a handful.  He got mad because I wouldn't go to bed when he wanted me to yet when I was ready for bed, he wasn't.  He finally fell asleep about 1am while watching RV.  He loves that movie, along with a bunch of other ones.
     He woke up about 9 this morning with a big smile on his face.  We stayed in bed until about 10 watching RV again.
     Aubrey played outside most of today.  He got a hold of the water hose and proceeded to get the front yard flooded.  He was mud from head to toe.  He even went across the street and bugged the neighbor for a little while.  He finally came in the house about 3 and took a nap without being told to.
     My daughter, Shanen, came over today and helped me do some cleaning.  We're getting ready to have some yard sales this summer and I had a bunch of stuff that I needed to box up for them.  She even helped me organize my computer room and closet.  I don't know what I'd do without her.
     Baby Lorrance slept most of the morning, so we got a lot done.  He decided to wake up as Aubrey was falling asleep.  He is such a good baby.