Friday, October 7, 2011

Books, Books and more Books

Went to Wal Mart today and purchased two new Amish books.  This is on top of the 15 Amish books that I purchased the other night at Barnes and Noble.  I just can't help myself, I love to read.  I've already finished 3 of the books that I bought the other night.

I've been trying to write a review of each book after I finish reading.  I hope I'm doing a good job of it.  I only have one follower so far but hopefully I'll get more.  I'm trying.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Time to Heal

I just finished reading A Time to Heal by Barbara Cameron.   It was a wonderful book.  It's the second in her Quilts of Lancaster County series.  I haven't read the first book yet, but I didn't need to read it to understand this book.

A Time to Heal is a very emotional book, in my opinion.  One of the main characters has Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder.  Reading about his flash back and all that he had been thru was very enlightening for me.

This book, to me, was about family and trusting in God.  I have questioned God in my life but it gave an insight to how to deal with what's happening and to trust that He will take care of things in His way and not mine.  I can't wait to read the first book and the remaining books in the series.  I highly recommend this book.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Falling To Pieces. Part 2

Yesterday I had received a book that I had won in a contest.  I was so excited to start reading it as I had never read anything by the author, and I had heard it was a good book.  If you like to read about the Amish and like a mystery, then I would highly recommend this book.  It is Falling to Pieces, the first in the Shipshewana Amish Mystery Series by Vannetta Chapman.

It was a combination of Amish and English with a mystery incorporated in.  It made me laugh, think, wonder and it even made me cry.  From the very first page I was hooked.  I didn't want to put it down.

When I read a book, if I can't picture myself right there, then I don't consider the book all that good.  With Falling to Pieces, from the very first page, I was there,  I was in the garden with Daisy.  I was riding in an Amish buggy.  The more I read, the more I could feel myself being there through it all.  This book is about friendship, family, courage, helping others and faith.  I am so looking forward to reading more books by Vannetta Chapman.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Falling To Pieces.

I just received a copy of Falling to Pieces by Vannetta Chapman.  I had entered a contest and my name was drawn.  I am so looking forward to reading this book as I love anything Amish and this is an Amish mystery book.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grandson sleepover

     I had my grandson, Aubrey, spend the night last night.  It was fun but I can't do it too often.  He is a handful.  He got mad because I wouldn't go to bed when he wanted me to yet when I was ready for bed, he wasn't.  He finally fell asleep about 1am while watching RV.  He loves that movie, along with a bunch of other ones.
     He woke up about 9 this morning with a big smile on his face.  We stayed in bed until about 10 watching RV again.
     Aubrey played outside most of today.  He got a hold of the water hose and proceeded to get the front yard flooded.  He was mud from head to toe.  He even went across the street and bugged the neighbor for a little while.  He finally came in the house about 3 and took a nap without being told to.
     My daughter, Shanen, came over today and helped me do some cleaning.  We're getting ready to have some yard sales this summer and I had a bunch of stuff that I needed to box up for them.  She even helped me organize my computer room and closet.  I don't know what I'd do without her.
     Baby Lorrance slept most of the morning, so we got a lot done.  He decided to wake up as Aubrey was falling asleep.  He is such a good baby.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another rainy day in the South

     It's been raining on and off since yesterday.  It's getting rather dreary.  Frank is working late again tonight so I'm home alone again.
     I know we need the rain and all but it just gets to be a hassle after so many days.  Frank wants me to go out looking for a job but that's not easy in the rain since the windshield on the van leaks.  He also wants me to look for a job in Union.  That's not easy either, since there aren't many jobs around here.  If I want to find a good job I'd have to drive almost an hour away.  I'm not sure my van will handle long drives for very long.
     I've been hearing some funny stories about my grandson lately.  His mom has a blog that she writes about all the happenings.  If you'd like to read some just go to  He's a typical 3 1/2 year old. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting to blog

Hi.  My name is Sandi.  I'm a 48 year old wife, mother and grandmother.  I have 3 beautiful grandchildren, 2 boys, 3 1/2 and 1 month and a girl, 2 weeks.  My daughter just started blogging so I thought I'd give it a try also.  Not that there is a lot going on in my life, but just to get things off my mind.